
No, kind of pink with yellow mixed in.
Perhaps it does have a bit of an amber hue.
Today’s color is breathtakingly beautiful.  I sit and watch it as it quickly
    fades into a deep blackness.
Everyday it is different, yet it always happens the same:
The harshness of full-powered color begins to melt into the soothing
    richness of the end of yet another day.
Sometimes, it is a fiery red, or a peaceful autumn-leaves-falling-off- the-trees
    experience.  Sometimes it is a dainty, yes, even delicate
    pinkness that speaks of elegance.  But, my favorite:  the royalty of
    purple bouncing off grey clouds, and that is what today has brought.
And then it turns black.
Yes, there is a peacefulness about a dark night.
And there is a magic in the light of the stars and moon.
However, this is a magic that can never touch the magic created the
    moment the sun begins to die.  The magic of the color as the day
    disappears, forever to be remembered as “yesterday”.

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